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Each lesson plan contains specific behavioral objectives, the lesson's duration, lesson materials, classroom activities and assessment tools. A thumbnail sketch of each lesson is provided as a quick reference.
Learners differentiate between declarative sentences and commands, review prepositions of place and follow oral directions in activities that introduce land navigation using street maps. (4 hours)
Listening, speaking and writing skills are highlighted in this in-depth, follow-up activity to the previous class session. Learners write a dialogue giving directions from a starting point to a destination using a map and ads from the Yellow Pages. Lesson features the use of common driving vocabulary ("right-hand," "left-hand," "merge," "bear to the right/left," "continue") in addition to prepositions of place and use of ordinal numbers from 1-20. (4 hours)
Negative Imperatives and Idioms
Learners re-write and expand their Map Activity dialogues from previous lesson, inserting at least four new idiomatic expressions into their dialogues and three negative imperatives. (2 hours)
Common classified ad abbreviations combine with superlatives and comparatives to help learners express their observations and preferences when shopping for apartments. (2 hours)
This lengthy "English for All" lesson features Episode 5 of this popular video-based series. Grammar focus is on the use of "must" and "have to" in sentences about finding an apartment. Life skills teach the importance of reading and understanding written landlord/tenant contracts. (4-4.5 hours)
Episode 6 of "English for All" continues the apartment rental theme with the use of "can" and "could," plus practice with filing an on-line complaint with the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Basic tenant/landlord rights and responsibilities are included. (4-4.5 hours)
Landlord and Tenant Agreements
Learners fill out a sample rental agreement, review yes/no questions using "do" and "does," and continue practicing writing skills by writing a sample complaint letter to a landlord. (2 hours)
Requesting and Canceling Utilities
Authentic practice is the objective of this lesson as it requires learners to write and perform a role play or dialogue between a utilities representative and a customer wishing to cancel existing electrical service while requesting new service. Practice with listening comprehension is provided through the use of recorded conversations that model appropriate vocabulary and sentence structure. (2 hours)
Using and Paying for Electricity: Talking About Your Bill
Lesson features application of vocabulary and verb conjugation skills in an authentic situation in addition to opportunities for discussion and peer review of learner dialogues. (2 hours) |
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