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Each lesson plan contains specific behavioral objectives, the lesson's duration, lesson materials, classroom activities and assessment tools. A thumbnail sketch of each lesson is provided as a quick reference.
A WebQuest: Map Skills, Direction and Location
Civics activities stress the use of maps, cardinal direction and relative location to describe geographic features of the United States and Virginia; computer literacy activities feature the use of a simple WebQuest (4 hours)
Asking and Answering Questions using Statistical Information
English grammar activities focus on restating "How many?" and "Is there?"/Are there?" questions as sentences; civics activities introduce civics vocabulary and pronunciation practice (2 hours)
Asking and Answering Questions using the Balance of Powers
Civics activities review civics vocabulary, reveal relationships between the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the federal government and state the major responsibilities of each; English grammar activities require formulation of "How many?" and "Is there?"/Are there?" and "Who" and "What" questions (2 hours)
Writing, speaking and listening practice gives experience disputing a phone bill using both prepared and learner-generated scripts. Lesson emphasizes use of possessive pronouns and contractions. (4 hours)
Using and Paying for Electricity: Finding Billing Information Online
Internet and consumer skills are integrated to provide practical experience locating and saving online billing information; English language skills emphasize restating answers from questions and practice with past, present and future tenses of relevant verbs (2 hours)
Using and Paying for Electricity: Understanding Your Bill
Hands on experience with sample power bill allows practice with power bill vocabulary, verb conjugation and formulation of questions. (2 hours)
Using and Paying for Electricity: Talking About Your Bill
Lesson features application of vocabulary and verb conjugation skills in an authentic situation in addition to opportunities for discussion and peer review of learner dialogues. (2 hours) |
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